
If you were to graph FA Engineering’s revenue, you’d have a line climbing steadily over the past 12 months. It should top $3 million by the end of this year. Source: Forbes | A Company That Knows Where It's Going...

It’s a common enough entrepreneurial scenario. You shed blood, sweat, and tears to get your company off the ground. Now it’s up, running, and doing well. But many of your employees weren’t there for the start-up phase, so to them it’s just a job. Source: Forbes...

The reason companies so often miss the boat on engagement is that it isn’t and can never be an add-on. Either the business operates in such a way as to engage employees or it doesn’t. Source: Forbes | How Companies Miss The Boat On Employee Engagement...

It always amazes us when we come across a company that doesn’t take planning seriously. You think the New England Patriots or the Golden State Warriors head into the new season and every game without a plan? Source: Forbes | Six Tips For Planning A Great...

At most companies, the finance group is like Rodney Dangerfield: it gets no respect. When business is good, other people take the credit. When business heads south, finance gets the blame. After all, it’s the financial reports that show how bad things are. Source: Forbes |...

At most companies, the finance group is like Rodney Dangerfield: it gets no respect. When business is good, other people take the credit. When business heads south, finance gets the blame. After all, it’s the financial reports that show how bad things are. Source: Forbes |...

Why should anyone bother with open-book management? One reason is simple: open-book management nearly always improves near-term financial results. In our experience, companies register as much as a 30% increase in productivity and profitability in the first year alone. Source: Forbes | The Business Case For...

Managers generally have one of two perspectives regarding their employees. Many years ago a professor named McGregor dubbed these perspectives Theory X and Theory Y. But what about rank-and-file employees in today’s economy? That’s where managers have a choice. It’s a choice that matters—a...

How can you expect people to make smart decisions about their jobs if they don’t know whether they’re helping the company win? How can you expect managers to manage and collaborate if they can’t figure out which numbers matter most? Here’s what we mean by winning. Source:...