
Maybe you saw the headline a few weeks ago: a group known as the Tunisian National Dialogue Quartet won this year’s Nobel Peace Prize. The Quartet is a “many-hued association of labor unions, businesses, human-rights activists and lawyers,” reported the Wall Street Journal. Unions and...

Once again. It was the same conversation he had already had with several other leaders in the company. Why are you trying to shake things up? And what’s with all the information up on the wall? He plunged in one more time. Source: Forbes | Changing...

Then Ben posed the key question. “What numerical metric would help us achieve the objectives we have identified as most important?” Source: Forbes | Finding The Right Performance Metric...

“That’s how people start to learn the business—they see how their everyday actions affect financial results. Maybe you put up a scoreboard somewhere. Maybe you agree on a target and pay people a bonus if you hit it. Won’t cost the company anything because your...

“In half an hour or so,” Ben continued, “the rest of the staff will start wandering in. Some of them will look at those documents. Most will need some kind of explanation. I’ll be available this morning, but you’re just as qualified as I am....

But thoughts tumbled through his mind, one after the other. The financials don’t quote the work. The financials don’t sell the work. The financials don’t perform or track the work. People do that! Source: Forbes | When The Financials Look Bad, Dig Deeper To Find Out...

He had known things weren’t great in the organization. But he had just concentrated on doing his own job, making sure his division’s customers were satisfied. But now he was CEO. He was hearing things he didn’t want to hear. And he was facing a...

This company could go under. He thought of his coworkers and his customers, many of whom had come to be friends. He imagined telling them that his company needed him, but, well, he decided to look for another job. He realized at that moment that...

Let’s imagine a different kind of business. Here, the employees view themselves not as hired hands but as partners in the enterprise. Far fetched? Not really. Source: Forbes | The Big Opportunity McDonald's Is Missing...