
If you follow this approach, we’re pretty sure that you and your company will have a happy new year. And next year at this time, you’ll be planning how to increase your profitability even more in 2018. Source: Forbes | Simple Tools To Make More Money...

Santa appeared in our office a couple of days after Christmas a year ago. Enough time has now elapsed that we’re free to talk about the experience.   That day, we heard a clatter in the reception area, out where the fireplace is. All of...

When the time comes to sell your company, what will make it attractive to buyers? How can you be sure to get a fair price? Source: Forbes | How To Build A Company You Can Sell...

Of course, business is work, not a pickup softball game. People want to get paid for what they do. And open-book companies set up incentive plans pegged to those key numbers. If the forecast shows a bonus possibility of a week’s or a month’s worth...

Wells Fargo continues to wrestle with its recent scandal, in which some 5,000 employees were shown to have opened fake accounts. New CEO Tim Sloan said last Friday that he wants to “earn back” the bank’s reputation.   Good luck to him. In the meantime,...

Wells Fargo CEO John Stumpf is scheduled to testify today before the Senate Banking Committee. He will doubtless be asked how the bank could possibly have allowed employees to open 1.5 million fraudulent bank accounts and half a million fake credit card accounts.   Good...

An executive at a small metalworking company was describing a recent management meeting about how to confront a new competitive challenge. Source: Forbes | The Sad Legacy Of Us Vs. Them...